Sherif Helal

Gleem Pediatric Medical centre, KSA

Title: Toothpaste for children: Efficacy and safety


Background: Recently ingestion and absorption of fluoride from different types of toothpastes has been evaluated by many researches, this presentation conducts a systematic analysis to assess the potency and hazard of fluoridated toothpaste use in children younger than 6 years in comparison with hydroxyapatite toothpaste chemistry recommendations. 

Methods: Studies, extracted data and assessed risk of bias systematically and conducted meta-analyses to determine the effects of brushing with fluoride and HAp toothpastes. 

Results: Use of fluoride toothpaste brushing had a statistically significant effect on mean decayed, missing and filled primary tooth surfaces for populations at high risk of developing caries. The effects of using different fluoride concentration toothpastes on caries varied. Most Study’s’ findings showed increase in the odds of having fluorosis when the use of fluoride toothpaste was initiated after 12, 14 and 24 months respectively. 

Conclusions: Restricted scientific indication validates that fluoridated toothpaste use is effective in children caries control younger than 6 years old. Ingesting pea-sized amounts or more can lead to mild fluorosis, the presentation will demonstrate the recent alternatives of fluorides and additives materials which minimize the risk of fluorosis as well as maximize the caries-prevention benefit for children. 


Sherif Helal obtained his bachelor 1983 and master degree 1986 from Alexandria University school of dentistry – Egypt and had his residency training and Ph.D 1988-1993 at Universitätsklinikum Eppendorf – Hamburg, Germany in pediatric and preventive dentistry; he served latterly for 11 years as assistant professor, director of dental public health and pediatric dentistry supervisor post-graduate programs at Riyadh Elm University, College of Dentistry, KSA and had many congresses presentations, member of the ADA-SCDP (Standard Committee on Dental Products) fluoride/ toothpastes and awarded by some international prizes latest was the IADR Cariology Group Research Award for the year of 2017-San Francisco, USA 2017.