Madhulatha Ayangar Kandala

Evrensel Healthcare Private Limited, India

Title: Walk the way with UN SDG 3 "Achieving good health & wellbeing with human-centric healthcare practices"


The goal of health for all, the alma alta declaration was signed in 1978 through primary healthcare by the developing countries and after five years it was adopted by the entire world. UN SDG agenda came up in 2015, however where do we stand in 2023 today? 

Focus on primary healthcare has to be the first and the best action the nations have to concentrate on. 

The recent pandemic of Covid 19 has shown us the fragility of the existing practices irrespective of the economic development of the nations. Rather it is shown that countries which have less access to tertiary care could combat the chaos of Covid 19 better. 

The governments are trying to do their best, but it is a clarion call for the private sector also to come together to launch accessible and safe healthcare for the global cause. 

Increased standard of living, reduced stress on hospitals, combating AMR, ADR, HAI etc and giving access to every individual with human-centric healthcare practices is the only way to achieved health for all, not leaving anyone behind.


Madhulatha, has played techno managerial roles in various in SMEs and multinational organizations before beginning to work on her very purposefull healthcare initiative in 2015. Working on creating a sustainable & healthy society while promoting social entrepreneurship as a preferable career option for the coming generations. The in-built abilities to listen to others and empathize with them with the passion to work for the cause with perseverance is a value add for launch of integrated medicine & healthcare practices worldwide. Living by Dr. Rajendra’s innovation, her vision is to passionately submit her future years to the global healthcare and reach out to every individual with the right kind of healthcare, not leaving behind the business perspective to ensure sustainable healthcare access.