Krishika M

KAHER's Shri BM Kankanawadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, India

Title: YONI VISHODHANA – An ayurvedic conceptualization of pre-conceptional care (women’s healthcare)


Introduction: Yoni is an Ayurvedic term that represents the Male and Female reproductive organs and Vishodhana represents the treatment modality for cleansing or regularizing the same. Yoni vishodhana is the concept of cleansing or regularizing the reproductive organs of both male and female by means of various Ayurvedic treatment modalities. Yoni vishodhana (YV) is the most neglected area of research in contemporary science because of the prevalence of ART (Artificial reproductive technologies) in this era. Pre-conceptional care including YV paves the way for achieving natural conception. Materials and methods: The concept of  YV is taken from relevant Ancient ayurvedic literature and relevant cases of   primary and secondary infertility are selected for explaining the concept of  YV as a pre-conceptional care. 

Results: The conceptualization of Yoni vishodhana as Pre-conceptional care to achieve a successful healthy natural conception was explained from classics  and the practical application is put forth by relevant short case presentations.Discussion and Conclusion: Yoni Dosha refers to abnormalities in the reproductive organs, which makes the same, hostile in achieving natural conception. Yoni vishodhana, achieved by different treatment modalities according to the different bodily constitution of the individuals' (Prakruti), paves way for a healthy natural conception.


Dr.Krishika M, pursuing MD in Ayurvedic medicine, Specialization in Rejuvenation and  Reproductive health,  KAHER’S Shri BMK Ayurveda Mahavidhyalaya, Karnataka, India.  Have around 7 publications in Highly indexed journals (Scopus and Web of Science). Have done many Scientific paper presentations at various National and International Conferences.