Baitubaev Dyusengali

Psychiatrist-narcologist, Republic of Kazakhstan

Title: 21st Century Discoveries in the Physiology of Adaptation and Dramatic Changes in the Validation of Substance Dependence


The report presentation shows that the current level of physiology does not disclose the biological mechanisms of the organism transition from one range to adapt to a higher with an increase in the regular forces of the stimulus above sub-extreme. A new trend in the physiology of adaptation - proqredient adaptation, explains the  echanism of increasing the tolerance of the organism, with dependence on psychoactive substances (PAS). It is scientifically proven that dependences of the organism on PAS not the disease, and the states like proqredient (progressive) adaptation. 


Baitubaev Dyusengali works as a psychiatrist-narcologist for 36 years. He has more than 30 publications in international journals, which have been cited more than 250 times.